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November 11, 2012


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Sue Gaviller

Hi Janice,

Thanks for referencing my recent top twenty list – your support is always appreciated.

Hope you get some time during our current 'thaw' to finish up any fall garden chores – can’t believe I’m saying this and it’s only mid November! Yikes – it’s going to be long winter.

All the best,

Calgary Garden Coach

Hi Sue,
You are welcome! No, I never did finish those fall garden chores, but since everything has been under snow for so long, it has been easy to just not think about it! I think I'll deal with it in spring when I have time and energy again!
Hope you're enjoying the winter,

cherry tree

In larger spaces, Karl Foerster grass is a natural for mass planting.Like most ornamental grasses, Karl Foerster feather reed grass is easy care.

Calgary Garden Coach

Thanks cherry, I agree!

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