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May 08, 2012


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Paula H.

They look great! I can't wait to hear how they work out for a late fall or early spring crop.

I have some spinach coming up that I planted in the fall. Just waiting to see how long the carrots and lettuce take to pop up.


That is much tidier than what I have going on (flimsy metal rods that are all different heights) - but whatever works, right? This will extend your season by at least a couple of months.


I think that's PEX, not PVC.

Calgary Garden Coach

Thanks Paula and Megan! Yes, whatever works! I got my spinach, lettuce and carrots seeded this morning - hooray!
And thanks for the correction Plantman. I guess the flexible stuff is actually PEX but the sleeves are PVC (non-flexible). Oops, I didn't pay attention to that detail (hubby did the shopping)! I made the correction in the post above to be more clear.


Brilliant design, BTW.

Calgary Garden Coach

Thank you! I'm very happy with it!

Raised Bed Head

Nice hoop house!!! i did my research before i built my raised bed this year and ended up using the same method for my hoop house.... i also agree that it's too late for spring plastic but i'm still going to prepare just incase. what methods are you thinking of using for the Poly/shade cloth installation? it's still up in the air for me.... any ideas?

Calgary Garden Coach

I was thinking of just using some large clothespeg-style clips to attach the plastic/cloth to the hoops.... unless you have any better ideas?

silicone tubing

Wow...It's really an amazing idea. I have never done gardening but after reading this article and your conversations. I would also like to grow crops in my small garden.

plastic feet

It's really an amazing idea. I liked it very much. PVC pipes are just amazing stuff. Your hard work is worth it in my eyes.

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