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April 05, 2012


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Jamie Keifer

Auh~ You featured your girls in the pictures! That’s sweet of you… What was their reaction when they knew about this? If I were them, I’d probably keep the copy in a frame and display it in my room. It’s something worth keeping and sharing.



Calgary Garden Coach

Thanks Jamie and Liz! ...The girls thought it was cool for about 10s, then promptly forgot about it!

Sue Gaviller

Nice article Janice – of course my kids are all grown up now, but I remember trying to garden when they were young. Being rambunctious boys, the only watering they were interested in was with the hose – directed at each other or some unsuspecting person, and the only time they went near my garden was to retrieve a soccer ball. Flexibility, as you say, was the key to sanity – so I stopped freaking out about every flower stem that got broken by a ball or little feet, and told them the back yard was theirs but the front yard was mine. Finally there was peace in the garden!


Calgary Garden Coach

Thanks Sue! Yes, flexibility to maintain sanity. Sort of a mantra for life, and especially parenting, not just gardening! :-)

TP Knotweed

Don't miss removing of weeds that are unwanted..!! and i would like to say what a cute article it is-))

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