Hi There,
I just found your website and thought maybe you might know what kind of plant this is??? It showed up this year out of now where and took over my Iris' that were there....very fast growing, fuzzy soft leaves about 12' long...no flowers so far this year...please help! :)
Hi Julie,
It's difficult to say for sure from the photo but my guess is that this is verbascum. I have the common yellow one in my garden and the overall shape of the plant is the same and the leaves are definitely soft and fuzzy. This plant seeds itself like crazy so I would pull it now. That is, unless you like the look of it (it is a bit weedy looking but I like the yellow flowers against the blue background of my house) in which case you can deadhead (cut off the flowers when they are finished) all but a few flowers and let a few seeds fall. The seedlings are easy to recognize and pull up unwanted ones - but you will have tonnes! The plant is biennial so once it flowers the same plant will not come back.
You can find some more information here. Hope that helps,
It look like spinach.
Posted by: Kathryn Winkler | August 31, 2011 at 09:18 AM