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July 02, 2011


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Do peonies need to be sheltered? I bought four last year at the end of the season quite cheap... 3 have come back but they are in the middle of the yard and take a fair bit of the north wind and the hot south/west exposure?

Calgary Garden Coach

Hi Tammy,
This particular peony (above) doesn't get very big and it's fairly sheltered but I still grow it through a smaller metal peony ring because the blooms are so heavy that they'll flop at the slightest wind or rain.
I have some bigger peonies in the Adventure Garden which is quite exposed, and they grow through much larger peony rings and sometimes they still flop anyway - if I was a peony perfectionist I would have to stake each bloom individually to get them to stay up. But I'm not, so I just cut any that flop over and bring them into the house to enjoy - their fragrance is awesome!
Hope that helps,

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