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June 30, 2011


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The Ms. S.

Hi Janice, I think the seating area is an excellent idea. What is the orientation of the front? We are thinkng of doing the same as our front faces east and we have an 8 ft overhang (that nothing grows under) that we may eventually turn into a front porch. It's nice to sit out and watch the world go by sometimes.

Happy Canada Day to you and your family tomorrow!


Make your man work, put a pergola there :)

Calgary Garden Coach

Thanks Ms S! Our front faces north-east but it's the trees, not the orientation, that cause all the shade and dryness problems for me.
Plantman, that's actually a great idea. I think it could look great. The only problems are the cost and time factors. We are in a fixer-upper of a house and we don't really need the structure for shade since we already have a lot, so unfortunately a pergola in the front yard would go to the bottom of my LONG priority list! It's nice to dream though!

James Joyce

Love the seating area, certainly looks like an area you would want to enjoy.

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