Have you read Second Nature by Michael Pollan? I recently decided to re-read it because it was so enjoyable the first time around. I have laughed out loud in many places, including when he describes losing all perspective while fighting a woodchuck, and his father's disconnection with their "garden" as evidenced by him standing in his underwear in the garage trying to set the automatic sprinkler system but never actually venturing outside.
The following quote, in the section where Michael Pollan describes his increasing dissatisfaction with having to spend time mowing the lawn when he'd rather be gardening, also made me chuckle:
"Hot monotonous hours behind the mower gave rise to existential speculations. I spent part of one afternoon trying to decide who, in the absurdist drama of lawn mowing, was Sisyphus. Me? The case could certainly be made. Or was it the grass, pushing up through the soil every week, one layer of cells at a time, only to be cut down and then, perversely, encouraged (with lime, fertilizer, etc.) to start the whole doomed process all over again? Another day it occurred to me that time as we know it doesn't exist in the lawn, since grass never dies or is allowed to flower and set seed. Lawns are nature purged of sex or death. No wonder Americans like them so much."
That is hilarious! I did laugh out loud! I love the part about the Americans...
Posted by: Kim | March 16, 2011 at 05:42 PM
your post cracked me.I could not stop laughing..
Posted by: Lollipop | September 21, 2011 at 03:01 AM