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February 16, 2011


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Hi Janice, sounds like a great plan you have there, I'm dreaming about pergola too, but my yard is big, so we just built the fence first ,that was done last summer except the gate, I still keep deciding what kind of gate for open area, that look good from the road ( my house is corner lot ).
O yea, Janice , I have a question, what kind of upright tree or shrub for open south side and against the wall that give winter interest and root form is safe for house foundation too? Hubby like juniper or cedar, but I always have no luck with them ( browny or winter kill ). I plant four blue point juniper there, but it get winterburn on some branches. I was thinking to replace them with sutherland caragana, because it is upright and fix the soil nutrient and low maintenance. What do you think or do you have any better idea ?

Calgary Garden Coach

Hi Ina
Yes, some of the upright junipers are not as hardy here as we would like! The ones in the Rocky Mountain family (juniperus scopulorum) are pretty good for upright evergreens. Depending on how much space you have, you could investigate juniper 'Medora', 'Wichita Blue' or 'Gray Gleam'.
Of course, there are lots of other possibilities too! Caragana is one but how about a 'Therese Bugnet' rose? It's got great all-year interest with red stems and hips in the winter, and a fairly upright shape.

Geoff Anderson

Whatta great transformation on your garden! It's pretty awesome! If I buy a house, I want one with a beautiful garden.

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