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February 28, 2011


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Wow - that's so exciting!! I don't have any kids, but I used to love gardening with my Mom when I was younger. My favorite thing was peas because you could pick them and then shell them. One of my favorite things to do as an adult in the summer is shell peas. Another fun idea is to spray paint a watering can a really bright and bold color for kids or to give kids their own little gardening tool set and gardening apron. I'd love to see a post about what you did at the workshop. Have fun!

Janice Miller-Young

Thanks Megan.  Ill let you know how it goes!


I am also very excited and so are my kids! I happen to have a 6 year old and an 8 year old and I asked them what they thought might be cool. They both thought that some sort of worm composter would be cool and the older one was more inclined to do some planting - like a small spring pot or something. Hope this helps! We will definitely be signing up!

Janice Miller-Young

Hi Kim,

Thanks for that!  It will be so fun to meet you and your girls!  I have so many ideas that it is hard to limit them and try to pick things that will be reasonable to do in a group and appeal to as many kids as possible.  There will definitely be some planting involved and something to take home.  I could bring my worm composter along too to demonstrate - thanks, hadnt thought of that!

Im submitting a proposal at the end of the week so will let you know the details soon.  BTW your garden looks great and I especially love your window box and raised box beds!


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