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January 05, 2011


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How exciting! I've just started browsing as well. I usually order all of my seeds from Botanical Interests, West Coast Seeds or Urban Harvest.

I tried alpine strawberries last year from seed and it was way easier than I thought it would be. I would recommend starting them really early indoors though if you want fruit this year. I was able to get a few handfuls off of about 3 or 4 plants at the end of September. I also had mine in pots and I transplanted them to a bed in the fall - I'm curious to see if they will come back in the spring.

Janice Miller-Young

Good tips, thanks Megan!  How early is really early?  I was thinking early February.  And let me know if yours come back!


Early February is good. I started mine a little later than that and wished I would have done it earlier. Good luck!

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