It has been a great fall for the perennial garden in Calgary! Things were blooming a little late after our cool (read: crappy!) summer, but after all that moisture in early September and now this great weather, many things are still looking fresh.
All these pictures were taken Oct 10. Clockwise from top left: purple asters just starting to bloom (Donna Balzer just wrote about how this is a great plant for the bees); clematis 'Polish Spirit'; raspberry monarda, golden hyssop and purple liatris (and you can just make out the white bloom of a relatively new (to this garden) hydrangea 'Annabelle' in the background); sedum 'Matrona' mixed with annual borage and perennial nepeta, lamb's ears and yellow rudbeckia 'Golden Glow' way at the top of the photo; honeysuckle 'Scarlet Trumpet' still blooming while the leaves are turning; more sedum 'Matrona' with ornamental grass helictotrichon sempervirens (blue oat grass), purple liatris and some dark pink achillea (yarrow) in the background.