Someone asked me a while ago if I could post some plan view sketches of my garden so they could get a feel for the layout. Doing so is still on my winter to-do list.. but in the meantime here's one my 7-year-old drew of our backyard.
It is actually quite amazing (she's a genius, of course!) in terms of the details she has included... I don't think she's missed a single container! Although the drawing isn't exactly to scale...
She drew this plan because she wanted to show me what she thinks I should do in the garden next year... put in more trees and more pathways. The section in the middle is where she'd like me to take out the current lawn and plant a lot of deciduous trees (so that we'll have lots of fall leaves for playing in) with pathways in between them for exploring/chasing/playing hide-and-seek. Cute!
I've said it before and I'll say it again: putting pathways in the garden for the kids to roam was the best thing I ever did. Pathways that link and make circles are even better. For posts about the pathways I've created in my garden, check these out:
- the family mosaic path from 2008
- building the dry stream bed/path from 2009
Awsome drawings!
Posted by: Paula H | September 28, 2010 at 12:11 PM