I did it! I actually did it! I managed to get both of my large compost bins emptied and the compost spread on the front gardens and part of the back lawn. This was on my September to-do list (and my May, June and July to-do lists before that! - you get the picture...) and I finally, finally got around to finishing it. I’m patting myself on the back on this one, because it’s not the most fun job in the world and I’ve been procrastinating for a long time. But a garden topped up with fresh compost is a beautiful sight, don’t you think?
Here’s my front shade garden, the most bare and plain garden in the whole yard because I only grow very shade- and drought-tolerant stuff here due to the 2 spruce trees smack-dab in front of the house. But even this sparse area looks nice with fresh compost on it!
The tree just on the left-side of the picture is coming down this fall and I’ve been looking forward to that for a long time! This area should grow a lot better next year with only one spruce tree’s worth of roots in the ground rather than two.
And next year I'll only have to buy compost for the back garden - I never have enough!!
Congrats on a great job! Your plants will love you for it :)
Posted by: The Ms. S. | October 06, 2009 at 07:51 PM