In case you haven't already been convinced by the trend of replacing your front lawn with garden (if I didn't love gardening so much I would think it was a way for the gardening industry to convince us to buy more stuff...), let me try to convince you.
I think the main reasons people have mostly grass in their yards (front and back) are because that's what everyone else has, it doesn't occur to them to have much else, and because they don't know how to take care of anything else (whether most people know how to take care of their lawns is debatable too). But if you plant the right things and learn how to take care of them, a garden can be much easier to take care of, much more beautiful and interesting to look at, and more environmental too! If you don't want to take a big leap, at least start by replacing a little patch of grass that is difficult to take care of anyway, for example grass that doesn't grow well because it's too dry/wet/shady, or it's difficult to mow because of tight corners, a slope or other features.
This was my brother's front lawn before I took over. He was annoyed with the rocks that made it difficult to mow the lawn, and just generally wanted something nicer to look at. Don't you think this would look much more beautiful with some flowering vines climbing the posts, hanging pots over the porch, contrasting foundation shrubs (diabolo ninebark and gold mound spireas) and a nice small evergreen (dwarf globe blue spruce) between the rocks to make it look like they didn't just drop out of the sky? Plus some low-maintenance perennials for colour spring to fall.
Well, that's what I did but unfortunately I don't have a picture of the final product. However, my brother moved last year so this year I get to design his front yard again. Yippee!! I guess since I'm running out of space to garden in my own yard, I need to start gardening in others'!!
Good for you for taking on your brother's landscaping -- I plan to maintain my uncle's gardens this summer (he passed away last Aug) simply because I know no one else will. :)
Posted by: Nancy Bond | April 05, 2008 at 12:03 PM
Greetings, Garden Coach.
While trying to decide if I should replace my front yard with a garden, I came across this entry. How fortuitous, how synchronous.
Kentucky Bluegrass: 0
Calgary Garden Coach: 1
Looking forwarding to reading more.
Posted by: Legless_Marine | April 25, 2008 at 11:24 PM